Tuesday 8 November 2011

Why Doesn't Time Stop in Real Life?

Because, you know, here we are, with time still just ticking away. Deadlines approaching, etc.

I realized today that I don't have a conflict for my character. And I'm writing away and everything is going pretty good, which for me is saying something because I never think that something is going well, and then it occurs to me, in that sudden way that things often occur to me, that there's really no point to any of this at all. Because if there's no conflict, then there can be no epiphany, and if there's no epiphany, then there's just a succession of events that have no real meaning. And then there's no story. There i was, thinking that everything was going so well, and I don't even have a story.

this is what I looked like when I came to this realization:

You know, no big. Time just ticking away and stuff.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, you are SO cute in this picture! My clock stopped working tonight at 8:55. Does that count?
